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Car Wash Portfolio | Lexington, NC

1109 S. Main Street Lexington NC 27292

  • Price

This real estate offering presents a well-established car wash portfolio in Lexington, North Carolina, consisting of two locations at 1109 S. Main Street and 1217 Cotton Grove Road. The site on S. Main Street features five self-serve bays, one in-bay automatic soft-touch system rebuilt in 2023, six vacuums, and on-site vending with the potential to add an ice machine. The location on Cotton Grove Road includes three self-serve bays, an in-bay automatic system with touch-free and soft-touch options, four vacuums, and on-site vending. The sites generate $2,000/month in membership revenue, with room for further growth. This investment offers a turnkey business opportunity with stable cash flow and expansion potential.


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  • Comments
    This real estate offering presents a well-established car wash portfolio in Lexington, North Carolina, consisting of two locations at 1109 S. Main Street and 1217 Cotton Grove Road. The site on S. Main Street features five self-serve bays, one in-bay automatic soft-touch system rebuilt in 2023, six vacuums, and on-site vending with the potential to add an ice machine. The location on Cotton Grove Road includes three self-serve bays, an in-bay automatic system with touch-free and soft-touch options, four vacuums, and on-site vending. The sites generate $2,000/month in membership revenue, with room for further growth. This investment offers a turnkey business opportunity with stable cash flow and expansion potential.

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